Chou & Chou

Who are we?

Chou & Chou is a Belgian brand. The word CHOU in French carries the meaning of 'sweet and tender', and we love how CHOU & CHOU resonates the sweet bonding between a mom and her baby.



What is special about the CHOU & CHOU nursing cover? 

Nurse your baby in style: the design is simple and chic so you can wear it as part of your outfit while you are out with your baby then turn it into a nursing cover whenever you need to. 

Versatile: you can wear it as a maternity top, a cardigan, a scarf, or a shawl. You can even use it as a stroller cover or a light-weight baby blanket when you are on the go with the little one. 

Ecological bamboo fabric: It's made of 95% ecological bamboo fabric. It's silky soft but very durable due to the nature of the fabric. That means you can just throw it into the washing machine when needed.  

Our Ecological Material

We chose to use the ecological bamboo fabric as our nursing cover material. Bamboo is very environmental friendly: it minimizes CO2 and generates up to 35% more oxygen than equivalent stands of trees.  It is fast growing and frequent harvesting actually creates more biomass for the planet. It is also extremely water efficient. 

One major benefit of bamboo fabric is that there is no need for pesticides or fertilizers when growing bamboo.

The technology of turning bamboo fiber into textile was developed in China, where this natural resource has been made use of for other purposes for centuries. We thus chose to have our nursing covers made in where the premium quality of bamboo textile is naturally located in. This also means we can have an eco-efficient supply chain for our bamboo fabric nursing covers.